
I have four chickens and am only getting two or three eggs daily (most days there are only two)?

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Can anyone say why this is and also one of the eggs when hard boiled is very difficult to peel and once peeled the white of the egg is very soft and comes away very easily. Any ideas why?x




  1. The amount of eggs laid will depend on the breed and age of the hen.

    I tend to use eggs that are around a week old for hard boiling as the membrane isn't quite so tough and allows the shell to come away cleanly and with ease. The membrane in freshly laid eggs are at it's strongest to help protect it's contents but as it gets older, it's strength begins to break down.

    Eggs can be stored for up to 5 weeks in a refrigerator according to the FDA.

  2. What type of chicken do you have? Some breeds are better layers than others. Also, how old are they? This also affects laying potential. Do they have a good diet? Access to grit and oystershell? Greens?

  3. Age of chickens has alot to do with egg laying. Also the fresher the egg, the harder it is to peel but ugly fresh eggs are so worth the health benefits. Keep it up, your chickens give you a gift so treat them with love and respect. Check out some of the factory farming websites and you will never go back to eggs from the grocery store for eggs (hopefully meat too) . Go straight to your small local butcher or farmers. Check out "" and "backyard" for more info. Good Luck and lots of Peace Love and Joy from one chicken lover to another.

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