
I have friend problems, what do you think I should do?

by  |  earlier

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So, all my best friends are partiers. They love going out, doing stupid, fun, crazy stuff. Like, they are down for anything, forreal. I, on the other hand, never involved myself with them when they acted like this, but lately I have been tempted too. They all have so much fun and meet new friends and I'm just the goodie two shoes, not tagging along, when I really am more than welcomed to.

First, I feel like I should be the good role model, and not participate in this typical teen behavior. Then, literally the next second, I begin to think, well, I only live once, maybe I should just live it up while I can.

I'm so confused. I know, I should think for myself and make up my own mind, but I see BOTH sides so clearly and I JUST CANNOT MAKE UP MY MIND! What should I do.

Stay the good kid that I am or party with my best friends?!

I'm so lost right now, and I need real, serious, guiding advice!




  1. dont fall into peer pressure

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