
I have friendship/girl drama?

by Guest64341  |  earlier

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I had this friend for 8 years. I recently told her i didnt want to be friends because she dissed me several times. She talked c**p about me and i finally just got sick of it. I told her nicely how i felt and she flipped. Now she talks c**p about me and today we had orientation at our high school. I ran into her. Well she was walking right behind me. As i was walking into the building I saw in the glass that she was flicking me off. I never talk c**p about her. I have been very mature about our "falling out". Which she hasnt. She posts bulletins on myspace calling me a "dumb *****" and all that. How should i handle this situation. I keep trying to ignore her but it's really starting to get to me. What would be a good way to handle this situation?

She makes me feel like im the bad guy because i ended the friendship. I was the one being dissed and she was supposed to be my best friend. She freaks out and says im trying to apologize but you arent taking my apology. I honestly just don't want her in my life. Shes apologized before and she did it again. Should i feel bad?




  1. Dissing other people and putting them down can sometimes be nothing more than an insecurity. I had a friend who did that too, but I wanted to remain friends because she was fine when she wasn't dissing me and my other friends. At one point, I just told her flat out that it bugged me! My friend didn't even realize that she was dissing me and other people so often, and stopped from then on. Your friend's probably hurt now that you wanted to break of your friendship. Just  let her know that you ended the friendship because you were hurt when she dissed you. Hopefully, she will understand like my friend did! Best of luck, hope everything works out! Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions ♥♥♥

  2. Yes. I had friends like this that I let go because they were backstabbers. I am happy that I am no longer friends with them.Some females can be two faced... I am so glad I am not in high school anymore. Just report her if she is harassing you.

  3. I am assuming English is not your native language, so to help you learn it I am going to give a few pointers then answer your question. The definition of drama is nothing that fits your question in any way at all. Diss is not a word. When referring to yourself, I is always capitalized. Contractions are when two words are combined, and an apostrophe is always used in place of the dropped letter or letters. Didn't, hasn't, I'm, aren't, don't and she's would be correct. Your last sentence should use and adverb. It should read, "Should I feel badly?"

    No, you shouldn't. Just keep it up. You are doing the correct things.

    Good luck on learning English. You seem to be doing better than some that were born in an English speaking country.

  4. No you shouldnt feel bad..shes the one that was dissing you all the time..she should be the one to feel like S/H/I/T. i would just go up to her and tell her ..GROW THE F/U/C/K up..stop acting like your 10 years old. i would tell my friend..that i dont have time to fight with youu..your a waste of breath. and if she apperntly has the time to flick you off (not even too your face) then she has the time to listen to youu.  

  5. Tell her, apology accepted but I cant be friend with you anymore... Then later on ignore her no matter what she is trying to do.  

  6. no you shouldnt feel bad at all. bc this also happened to me. you become friends with them and they go back doing the same stuff. so just ignore her.

  7. Quite honestly u shouldn't feel bad AT ALL!! u did the right thing in telling her that it was uncool to dis ur friends... I've had friends that dissed me all the time but i never told them and seriously i wish i would've cuz 3 years later they still do the same thing. U really just need to make new friends and ignore it thats really the only mature thing to do cuz if shes gonna b stupid & immature about it let her its just making her look like a baby. and if she says stuff bout u just laugh because as long as u know the truth who cares!!! my bff did the SAME thing just laught at her cuz she does it cuz she can tell it gets under ur skin.

  8. act mature about it. post only one bulliten on myspace about why you ended your friendship but dont call her any names or make anything up. say something like this:

    i ended my friendship with you because you dissed me several times. im sorry that you wont accept that we dont get along anymore. its time to move on with our lives and i hope you understand how i feel. i would appeciate if you would stop posting untrue bullitens about me....(then continue on in a mature way but dont make it too lengthy.)

    address her in your bulliten and not everyone who will read it. call her and talk about how you feel.  be the bigger person by not saying rude things. over time she will get over it.

  9. She needs go stay out of your life because if she hurt you the first time, you don't want to be hurt again. 10 points please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. No.

    You told her the friendship was over and look how she acts. She could've stepped up and tried to save it by apologizing and assuring it would never happen again.

    Ignore her. It may be awhile, but she'll get over it eventually. Looks like that 8 years was wasted, as her reaction proves that she didn't give two craps about you anyway.

    As far as Myspace bullentins, ignore those too. Block her and act like she doesn't exist, both on the internet and at school. Hang out with your true friends and don't feel bad that you ended it, feel bad that her drama-queen attitude costed her a great friendship.

    It's her loss, not yours.

  11. Not at all. You did the right thing,

    Just ignore her and move on with your life. I know how you feel. I told my exfriends I wanted to take a break with all this drama. They took it the wrong way. I didnt mean any harm its just that I was getting stressed out by them. They took it the wrong way and they teased me, bullied me, and taunted me. I decided just to ignore them. And they continued to tease me. I got the school dean involved, she did nothing so I had to take care of this problem myself. They told my secrets, started rumors about her and tried to turn people against me but it didnt work. I eventually told them off and cursed them out and they were shocked because I havent said anything to them throughout the whole feud.

    Just ignore her until you cant take it anymore then curse them out.

  12. she is probly mad u ended your friendship thats why she is doing these things

    but if she dissed u several times& talkes behind your back , why should u be her friend.. you shouldnt feel like the bad guy, ask her if she really meant all the things she said about you, and if u want to be her friend again then just tell point blank her the only way we can be friends again is if you stop dissing me& talking behind my back, and is she says no then just forget about her because you dont want a friend thats gonna do that stuff to you,  But i wouldnt be friends with someone who talks behind my back, because i will know i can never trust them

    And to answer your question: NO you should not feel bad, you did nothing wrong "she was the one who betrayed your friendship, she should feel bad , not you.

    hope this was helpful

  13. Okay a good way to handle this would be to confront the girl, tell her why you stopped being friends with her and that she really needs to stop with this immature c**p. i mean you are in high school but this kind of c**p goes on in 7th GRADE for crying out loud, i'm in high school and no one does this kind of stuff anymore. and the only reason she's doing that is because you ended the friendship and since your not friends she can't be nice, she's pissed so shes treating you like c**p to get back at your for ending the friendship. you are NOT the bad guy in this situation, you were tired of being treated horribly, this shows you have respect for yourself and that you weren't going to take it anymore. and you do NOT need to feel bad, you didn't do anything wrong you stuck up for yourself, and shes just being immature. But the key is to not go down to her level and talk c**p back. But just confront her about everything, and that should help. but since she seems really immature, she may not care if you confront her so you'll just have to ignore it, because trust me i've been through a situation like this, and i ignored the whole thing and within 2 or 3 weeks she stopped because i wasn't showing her it effected me and so since i didn't show how it was affecting me i wasn't giving her the satisfaction of making me angry or hurting me, so she stopped because i wasn't getting angry or mad about it. so when you see something she posted on myspace or something DON'T READ IT! it will only make you angry, and just don't pay attention to the things she does.

    GOOD LUCK! (:

    hope everything works out well.

  14. no you shouldnt feel bad at all because its not your fault. i think its good that you've moved on from being friends with her, because i would personally find it hard to end an 8 year friendship

    this girl sounds crazy though. my advice would be to avoid a conflict and let her get over it/herself. and if it gets any worse confront her about it. because since your at a new school you dont want enemies and she might cause problems for you...

    good luck!!

  15. this is how is happened when i went into high school last year...what i did was madenew friends and tried to hang with upperclassmen, they are more mature and fun to be around anyway

    just keep ignoring her, shes jealous of you and thats why shes talking c**p

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