
I have frogs and bats but my dragonflies are declining. How to encourage dragonflies back.?

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I have frogs and bats but my dragonflies are declining. How to encourage dragonflies back.?




  1. Leave a tire, a bowl, a can out in the backyard - half full of water. The slime-e-er the better. Misquitos will lay there larve in there and hatch out misquitos - Dragonflies Fav food.

  2. While I don't like to copy/paste answers, (it's impersonal that way) I did it this time, cause I wanted to know how myself, so here it is:

    1) Buy a rubber pond or create a man made pond for your garden. Dragonflies need water to raise their young. Their offspring, nymphs, need the water to survive.

    Step2) Place your pond in a sheltered but somewhat sunny area. The pond needs sunlight, shade and shelter from the wind to maintain a balanced ecosystem.

    Step3) Keep the pond clean but not completely sterile. Dragonflies like natural ponds with a balanced ecosystem.

    Step4Add water plants to the pond that grow out of the water. Infant dragonflies live among the plants. Then they use the plants to climb out of the water when they are ready to fly.

    Step5) Build a ledge of rocks or create a rock garden around your pond. Some dragonflies like sitting on the rocks.

    Step6) Plant trees, shrubs and long grass to create shade.

    Step7) Plant flowers around the pond. Although dragonflies don't need flowers to survive, flowers attract insects. Dragonflies eat insects.

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