
I have gallstones and the docter says surgery is only cure but there is others but he says that c**p and i?

by  |  earlier

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i have jaundice because of gallstones causing fatigue,the stress of london makes repairing my body impossible withou lots of money,everything i do or turn to causes me stress.i look at this way ,cure gallstones or find and job and make it easier and i can then move on




  1. There is an alternative treatment for gallstones.  Not exactly supported by scientific studies. It's a gallstone flush.  Do I think it works?  Not sure.  But look it up and give it a try if you want.

  2. Click on the links below...

  3. Gallstones aren't like kidney stones.  You don't pass them.  I had the surgery and it's no big deal.

  4. Sounds like the Doctor there is just like American Doctors....They want your money!!

  5. Presumably he has looked at the gallstones and made a judgement.  There are high intensity sound treatments without cutting that shatter the stones while you lay in liquid but then you still have to pass the pieces and from personal experience with one stone that is PAINFUL!!

      Don't you have medical coverage from the government over there?

  6. Hi Nick, there are many things you can do for gallstones that do not involve western medicine...  Herbs wise; milk thistle, choline, methionine ( an essential fatty acid, although I would recomend getting a good dose of EFA's anyway), inositol, B-vitamins, flaxseed oil, peppermint, and psyllium. Homeopathy wise; berberis, calcarea carb., chelidonium, nux vomica, lycopodium, and colocynthis.

    In terms of your stress, I know this may sounds odd or tired (especially if you don't have much time) but yoga can do wonders, and also, meditation.

    Also if you are a ginger fan I have bad news, ginger is horrifically bad for people with gallbladder issues. A friend of mine found that out the hard way.

    Hope this helps and best wishes!

  7. surgery is the best answer, as soon as possible. a friend of mine had the same surgery by 'key hole' and she was back to work within a fortnight.

  8. You should have the surgery to have them removed, My uncle had his removed aged73 and was up and about the next perfectly healthy. If you don't have them removed you are only going to get sicker and you definetly won't be able to move on with gallstones.

  9. I have a cleanse you can do to remove your gall stones, works very well, i have done it and so have lots of other people. It works and is rather simple. If you would like the cleanse recipy I will send it to you. Just e-mail me and I will send it to you. Lots better than surgery and loosing your gall bladder!

  10. Is it possible for you to move away from London, if so it could be the start of healing. Take control and eliminate as much stress as you can, it may not be as difficult as you think. For instance living is much cheaper out of London, the air is cleaner and there is less noise. Can you stay with someone?

    or have i got it wrong, ?

    Hope you feel better soon

  11. Not sure what the question is but have your gallstones removed by surgery as soon as possible!

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