
I have generalised anxiety disorder and BPD but i think that depression is whats stopping me plz read....?

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hi im a 22 year old guy and i have generalized anxiety disorder and a personality disorder i am see a therapist but nothing as been said about depression.

i was on meds when i was 18 for depression.

ithink that my biggest problem is that i have stopped doing everything i love (surfing fishing campings friends)

i have no enthusiasm or motivation sometimes i think i wanna do things but then im just like i couldent be bothered.

its pretty serious i cant evan be bothered to have a shower alot of the time.

if it is depression and i went on meds and they mad me happy or at least make me want to do things then i think it would benefit me with my other disorder and getting better.

what do you think?





  1. I think you should bring up the depression with your doc and see what they think.  Antidepressants might help you with motivation.

  2. I'm assuming you mean borderline personality disorder by bpd, and not bi polar disorder.  I'm surprised to hear you say you have borderline disorder since in your early 20's the normal personality changes can mimic that disorder, so most doctors are reluctant to diagnose it in someone that is 22.  That said Anxiety can cause you to easily become a recluse.  Constant worry about the things that might set off your anxiety can easily cause depresion.  Just as with anyone going through dealing with a disorder.  I would suggest talking with your Dr. about your concerns.  Maybe it's just a bout of depression, maybe a lifelong condition, but either way, it's best to get a little help in dealing with it.  In addition, counciling could maybe help  deal with your anxiety.  Ask what made your doctor diagnose you with BPD so young also.

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