
I have give my cat a bath....

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I really need to give my cat a flea bath. We are not even sure how they got fleas since they are inside cats. We have had both of them for many years and never a problem until this year. They are just covered. We put collars on them and use the stuff you put behind theirs necks but that does not seem to be helping much. The older cat is not a problem with the bath but the younger one is. I mean even to cut her nails or put the flea stuff on her, we have to wrap her in a towel. I was thinking of maybe getting some kind of medicine from the pet store that would calm her enough to give her a bath but I am not sure what to use. Any suggestions would help. Thanks!!




  1. if inside cats are covered in fleas, your house is infested a bath wont help.

    move everything out of the rooms, vacumm, shampoo carpets, wash non carpeted floors ( i like spicnspan) ."siphotrol plus premise spray" for the floors, frontline for the cats. respray floors every two weeks( just the open areas, no need to move furniture) reapply frontline every 4 weeks. stop treating when winter comes, then start again for all of next summer. treat for 12 months if you do not have a winter.

    spray the lawn with "siphotrol yard spray".

    fleas hitch a ride on your clothes from the outside. breed in your floors, jump on cat, suck blood, jump to floor, breed.

  2. we used have a really bad problem with fleas as well... we used these bomb things... you set them off in different parts of the house, but you have to get out of the house as soon as you set them off, including your animals... just make sure you read the instructions on the can before hand...

    while waiting outside, we used this spray stuff for our animals, to kill the fleas that were on them...

  3. I would recommend front line you will most likely have to get it from the vets but I believe it is also becoming available in pet stores and on-line. It is a little vial and you put a few drops on the scruff of the cats neck it is painless and smell free and lasts for around a month you can usually buy it in a years supply or three months supply. I prefer this method rather than bathing.

  4. You can use Feliway which is a spray or wall plug in that releases synthetic cat "feel good" hormones. Spray it onto a towel and either hold near her face so she can inhale it (not hardcore like huffing paint lol) or put the towel over her body/head for a few minutes. It should calm her right down. If her nails are long, cut them right after you notice her start to calm down so that she won't cut you up as bad when you're bathing her.

  5. It's always best to start giving baths when they are kittens so they are use to it.

    some people might not agree with this method, but if she is not use to a bath than it's realy all thats left to do or get scratched to death.

    for you I would suggest hold the cat by the scruff of the neck, just like a mama cat would do. that makes them very still, give them a bath that way.

    another alternative would be to

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