
I have gone to Jamaica to Negril and Montengo Bay also Ocho Rios?

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the only place i have not gone yet is the capital i want to go in the future i want to know where to go in the capital for fun where in the tourist spot and what is the capital known for ?




  1. Kingston is not really known in Jamaica for tourism. It's more noted for commercial purposes. However they're historical monuments that you can visit to learn the history or culture of Jamaica, such as, the art museum, Devon House (world's best ice-cream), emancipation park among others.

  2. Ok I am jamaican and the first answerer does not know what he talking about there is more than just Devon house to see in Kingston, if you do go to Kingston, go to New Kingston there is a lot of stuff to see up there. It has a lot of history, Port Royal is a must there are a lot of restaurants there to choose from outdoor too. It is great I am telling I grew up there and I just went back last  month. Do be careful as far as flaunting money and jewelry like that, because there are thieves there just like anywhere else. Just be yourself.

  3. There isn't much happening tourist wise in Kingston.  The beaches are not clean, crime is high, poverty is great.  You are better staying away from Kingston.  Once you've seen Devin House (old plantation house) and Bob Marley Museum you've seen about all Kingston has to offer.  If you insist on going, take in Port Royal on the peninsula past the airport.  It was the wickedest town in the world at one time--has a couple neet grave yards, a neat church and the Getty House which actually slants due to an earthquake.  If you want a different region of Jamaica, head for the southwest (St. Elizabeth area) or northeast (Portland/Port Antonio).  They aren't as well developed for tourists but just as beautiful, especially if you like nature.  Enjoy

  4. Kingston is a great city lots and lots of people shopping and there is the Bob Marley museum.

  5. Nothing much happening more commerce However there are beautiful places outside the city St Andrews.


    Check that site out dont follow the first answerer

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