
I have good rhythm but just don't know what to do when I dance?

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I definitely have good rhythm cus I can feel beats and I can actually beat box and compose beats. The problem is that when I dance it is like i freeze and just don't know what to do with my body. Do i have like a phycological problem with dancing or do I just need to learn dance moves?




  1. relax ur self

  2. yu r juz nervous and conscious..... nothing else.... dance like no one is watchin yu to overcome this......

  3. Whenever you feel the beat or u grab the rythym. nod your head to start the body into the rythym then find a girl and dance behind her, matching her movements. and be smooth

  4. Practice and Practice.  Thats the first thing.  Second is remember now one is paying attention and if they are then they are admiring.

    Stage fright isnt uncommon, but you can get around it.  

    Usually it is best to have 2 or 3 routines that you can interchange the moves with.  THis is enough to get started and not look like you only no one routine but more like 9.

    As for beat you still need to understand how your body moves and how long it takes for it to go from one move to another.

    This may help

  5. It is very simple, if you have rhythm, of course dancing is in

    your body. Only you have to do is follow your rhythm and start

    to move your legs, hands, head and whole body. you will be

    surprised that you are dancing very well. And remember one

    thing, follow your heart forget about other people around you,

    and enjoy it from the bottom of your heart and mind...One more tip first you can try it at home alone in front of a mirror, you will be more comfortable, and dont forget to wear something funky and s**y even you are at home, and put music loud.

  6. Well, since you can feel the beat, try to make up some moves that will fit the beat and you'll make it into a really good dance. But to get some moves, ask the nearest dance school if they have hiphop lessons, they're great for boys on the dance floor as there's a lot of beat and creation. The moves are really cool and people will admire you. Put a lot of feeling into your dance and show it off! Shake your head according to the rhythm and tap your feet, swing your arms, let others know that you know the rhythm and put those gestures into your dance moves. But most important of all, dance!

  7. My 1st suggestion would be to take dance lessons. But if you dont you could always buy dance videos on the dance genre that you want to learn. However, if you would like a free way to learn i would suggest a youtube dance video.

    Here is one:

    Hope it helps!!

  8. I suspect your problem is that you're trying to make it up as you go along. No matter what style of dance you're doing, it's much more fluid and easy if you're repeating a figure you've done a thousand times before. Try to choreograph for yourself an amalgamation of figures that is several measures of music in length, and practice it repetitively. Then do another and another. That's what trained dancers do, except that they may have somebody else do the choreography. Once you've done enough of that, for long enough, you will feel comfortable with extemporaneous variations.

  9. Move!

    Thats what you need to do. Move the hips, stomp your feet, copy people and learn some dance moves

  10. try going to some classes like hip hop classes and stuff then if that doesnt work get the beat in your head and move naturally because everyone can dance :)

  11. A lot of musicians know good rhythm and beat but they are not very good dancers. I suggest you learn a few singer-steps these are the basic steps the singer uses to keep the rhythm. After that, try  to learn a smooth dance like Samba. After you learn one or two dances, other dances are easier to learn. If you want to get over your freeze problem, you could dance with your eyes closed... just don't do that out in public cuz you might hurt somebody... but seriously, the eyes closed will help you match your body movements with the music.

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