
I have got a bad problem. I want to Qualify for HOYS

by  |  earlier

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I want to qualify for hys but i dont think im ready, but i do. How abouts do you qualify forhoys and where can i go to qualify and do i have to pay alot of money. Plz help. I want to do a showing class by the way.




  1. HOYS is Horse Of the Year Show

    it is a horse show in England in the NEC (National Exebition Centre) in Birmingham

    what type of showing????

    a certian breed?

    in hand?


    you need to be more precise with what you want :)

  2. whats hoys?

  3. i want, no i am going to qualify for Badminton sooner or later :D

    you have to win a series of qualifying shows/events and stuff, then you will get in. lol

    good luck, i may see you round some day, we will be competing against each other :P

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