
I have got all those bits, but mine still aren't working, is there a hidden fuse?

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My wipers have stopped working on my Vauxhall Corsa, have got a new motor and wiper mechanism for it, and now they're still not working! Can anyone help!?




  1. Erm did you actually connect it up?

  2. there is a fuse and a relay, all of which need to work, along with the wiring, which cant have any breaks in it.

  3. If you can , check for twelve volts supply at the motor with a multimeter when you turn the switch on, if its present check for twelve volts on the metal casing of the motor (negative lead connected to metal bodywork) if you find twelve volts on the casing then the earth connection to the motor has been broken .Confirm this by taking a wire from the casing to the car body and turning the wiper switch on.If the wiper starts working turn it off at the switch and check the continuity of the earth wiring with your meter until you find the break.If you find no twelve volt supply at all check the supply fuse and switch until you find where it disappears.If you find the  fuse blown  there is a short circuit in the wiring  switch or motor assembly.

  4. on my corsa the earth wire had a brake in it

    just under the plastic part by the bonnet

    hope that helps

  5. Is the column switch OK?

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