
I have got an Passiflora in a roof garden. It is dropping the flowers and is still not open and go yellowish.?

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Anyone knows outthere the reason why?Thanks




  1. Could be too cold and windy for it up there.

  2. Check that it's not being overwatered, as this can cause Passifloras leaves to yellow (known as chlorosis) and drop buds.

    Also check which Passiflora you have, as they all have different culture requirements, some are more tropical than others - if yours is more tropical, has the weather been kind to it recently / has it had a major stress factor?  Red spider mites can cause leaves to yellow, usually with ultra fine blotching, check it overall to see if it has any infestation, but normally Passifloras are pretty bug free.   Passiflora caerulea is generally the hardiest passion flower.  (Pic here:

    Overall, if it hasn't been recently replanted or shocked, I'd just focus on its watering requirements as well as drainage, if it's pot grown.   If watering is good, consider a light fertiliser, which should help perk it up, as it may be missing specific nutrients in its growing spot.  

    Hope this helps.  Good luck!  Rob

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