
I have got spam mail from yahoo/msn lottery incorporation, and i have paid 550 pound for the winning cheque...

by  |  earlier

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After getting the winning prize mail i have been corresponding with them, and they told me that my winning prize cheque issued by my name and i should contact to the Globex Courier Company. Then i contact to the courier company and company told me that i have to pay courier charges and custom duty, then i paid 550 pound for winning prize, until i dont get my winning prize so what can i do now??

can i claim on that company in consumer protection forum. please give me right suggesion. i will be wait for your answer.....thanks




  1. Boy you sure got screwed, never fall for this c**p, if it seems to good to be true IT IS. You can try calling the police, thats probably the only thing you can do.

  2. You could try, but you'll have problems since the company won't exist any longer.

    Try contacting the police, you've been a victim of a confidence scam. I wouldn't be too optimistic about getting your money back though.

  3. Dear friend,

    These online lottery prices are fake and an intelligent person like you should have not been victimised by that. No hope of getting anything. Forget it. Your money has gone to dogs.

  4. There have been scams similar to this for along time. I doubt you can recover your money ......... sorry. Try your local police.

    Even though the mail may have read from yahoo/msn, the name was probably forged.

    Just be glad you did not lose more.  

  5. It's totally fake, never get into this.

  6. Poor you! It was a hoax! They got you! I would suggest you immediately go to your country's Fraud Bureau, or any othr such agency/ police station to report the case! Be quick!

  7. Sorry that's how these scammers operate.  They tell you you have won money then get you to pay them money. Just be thankful they have only stolen 550 pounds from you.  And sorry you will find there is no such company as Globex Courier Company to sue. It is all part of their scam. Hope you haven't given them any of your bank details or they will be taking money from your accounts too.  If you have close the account and open a new one.  Some scammers have a new trick to get money off you. They get a fake 'lawyer' to contact you saying send me money and I will get your money back. Just another way for them to get more money from you.

  8. If you knew that it was scam (you wirte scam email) then why you pay for it??

    didn't you hear/read in the internet that this scam goes on for many years and peoples have lost millions of dollars in it.

    just report to Feds and have your finger crossed.

    i have no hope that you can get back.

    Good luck!!!

  9. If you think about it, why would you have to pay to get something you have won?

    Unfortunately you have been robbed.  You have little chance of getting your money back but get to the police as soon as possible wherever you are and start trying.

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