
I have got to know that my girl friend is 12 days older to me

by  |  earlier

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What should I do now

She was lying to me that she is 12 days younger to me




  1. Hey, man, if you're both the same age, it doesn't matter.

  2. com'mon...itz jus hardly matters when u luv her.

  3. get over it. why does age matter anyways. as long as you both love eachother

  4. 12 days you your complaining.  If she was 12 years I would complain and get my eyes checked.

  5. She probably lied about it because she cares about you very much and knows you wouldn't marry someone older than you.

  6. lying 2 ur partner is a bad practice in such relationship,but it might done b/c she luvs u a lot, so accept her.

  7. Do not marry!

    If something as immaterial as this is important to you then your commitment to your intended bride is minimal and you lack the love that is required to overcome the many problems that marriage involves.

    If this merits such importance as you appear to accord it, it seems you are lacking the required maturity for the bonding.

    Additionally, it would appear your parents have rather more influence over you than the happiness and wishes of your intended wife: this can only bode ill for the future if such a deal is made of such an unimportant issue.

    Since you have only just discovered the real date of her birthday, one wonders just how familiar you are with your fiancee.

    Have you considered that she may have known your reservations on this matter, and it being unimportant to her, she chose to amend the date out of consideration for you ?

  8. Come on! It's just a number! Maybe thats y she lied in the 1st place, she knew you will overeact like you are doing right now.. Whats if men and their women's age.?

    What do you want to ndo now? Dump her? Be realistic! Why should it make a difference now? Only because now you know the truth? Geez!

  9. 12 days are not a too much if you guys are love each other then don't warriors  about it. i think she don't want to loose you so that,s  way she lied too you.  

  10. yar it doesnt matter of 12 days it matter of love and your hight tell me is that you r shoter than her if yes i tell u to leave her if not love her.

  11. So what???  My husband is 54 and I am 41.  Age is a  matter of reference, and that's it.  My husband is 10 months younger than my step mom.  Who the **** cares?

  12. leave her. or still if ur interested then go ahead

  13. age hardly matters.....convince ur parents and tell them that age doesnot matter as long as the two of u r ready....make ur parents know that u really love each other and cant stay away, so be together and donot let misunderstandings ruin ur relation...

  14. So if you want to leave her because she's 12 days older... I think you dont love her much anyways!!...

    I'm not sure why she was lying. But its not something one would end relationship upon if you both love each other enough. I don't understand why your parents wont agree.. although I know how Indian parents are... but if they can agree with love marriage - they can agree with u being 12 days younger to her... btw.. how long have you been seeing her? She lied to you about her birth date??

  15. if you truly love her let age and parents not become a barrier between your love

  16. somewhere i heared that if the bride is older than the groom it is lucky in life.


  17. everything is fair in love and war. so lie.

  18. Your parents are petty..You  are marrying this girl/women not your parents...12 days is nothing get over it and move on..

  19. so what if shes older than you

    wat abt sachin tendulkar , he has a wife who is older than him

    and ther are many more

    it should not bother you if you are really interested in her.!!

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