
I have gotten 1.3 Answers per Question today. Should I replace my Contacts with comatose beet farmers?

by  |  earlier

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When no one answers your Qs it's like not getting picked for a team in gym class and having to walk laps by yourself and talk to your imaginary mongoose.




  1. Sorry baby, the boss was breathing down my neck all day.  I didn't get my usual 7 hours and 59 minutes on Y!A today.

    You can replace me with a meat Popsicle.

  2. I love it when you discipline me for not upholding my duties as a contact!

    I'm a naughty contact and I should be spanked like the naughty contact I am!

    Here use my paddle.

  3. did you by chance change your avatar? I changed mine and got ignored  by my contacts, so now my cat is back,

    beet farmers:)

  4. Yo Pimp hand .... That ain't even your imaginary mongoose .... Its mine and his name is Marvin, Marvin Mongoose.

  5. I use to be a beet farmer until the FBI came after me and I had to go underground. I didn't carrot for it and I couldn't pay the rent without a decent celery. All of my hopes were squashed until I met a beautiful princess with great big melons. Anyway you slice it, I had a great time. I never missed a beet. You just never no what might turnip. Her boyfriend came back and I had to drop her like a hot potato. I thought she only had eyes for me.

  6. <-- no one?  That hurts, d**k Simmons.  Mind if I call you d**k, d**k?  Well, I'm off to farm some beets.  Help yourself to the monkey brains in the fridge.

  7. Ha. I'd like to SEE a comatose beet farmer do this job. It would take at least two of them, plus a scarecrow.

  8. What's the mongoose's name? And when pluralized, is it mongeese?

  9. Well,... since you asked, I have felt the sting of that rejection. Perhaps comatose beets would be the right way to go...thanks for the idea! It does make me flash back to the days in grade school when I was the last one to be picked. I had an invisible sock puppet named Mr. Puddles that I hung out with....I need to give him a call. **wipes tear from my eye**.

  10. your contacts suck

  11. You could pick up a few yard gnomes at Home Depot and have them help you build a cabana.

  12. <<<was picked last cuz I was not popular....

    good your contacts who the boss is....

  13. You have an imaginary mongoose?  

  14. I'm beginning to think that you're not really Richard Simmons, since there's no way he'd be left out of gym class.

  15. The Cat wants to play with your mongoose.

  16. LMAO, you might want to try that out

  17. Hmmmmnn..... so if by 1.3 answers, you actually mean freaking 24, then I must be retarded because I don't see 1.3 answers, I see 24 freaking answers, so does that make me retarded or a lobotomized freaking camel-jockey?

    *waits for you to answer*

    *cries and runs away*


  19. Duh, I don't get it

    <<-- comatose beet farmer

  20. Try R&S members for your contacts.....they are a rather saucy bunch.........


  21. whoa!.. you could write a song about how it feels to be me!.. because nobody ever answers my questions...

    yes, comatose beet farmers... go for it...

  22. I thought you carried around your mongoose in your trousers.

    Anyhoot, I'm going to answer every single one of your questions right d**n now, so suck it up and quit having a pity party.

    Oh, and I was always the one that got picked last in gym class.  I had big b***s and I was top heavy so I was not good at sports.

  23. Don't ask questions at 6AM. Some of us have to work all day and can't answer questions until later. And I know I have a computer at work, but if I s***w off too much I'll get fired and have to become a beet farmer...

  24. aww hehe yeh I know how that is. I think the beet farmers will be fascinating people to talk to hehe.

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