
I have gotten 5 zits in 2 days!?

by Guest59571  |  earlier

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Ok so I am 12 years old. I have had very good skin with an occasional pimple and yesterday I found one zit on the tip of my nose. Today I find a huge one on my cheek, One hidden between my nose and skin, On on my other cheek, and one on my chin. Whats wrong with my face? Is it due to puberty? I am so confused. Also I have a school event tomorrow night so if anyone has easy skin remedies with ingredients I will have then please do NOT hesitate to put them here! HELP ME!




  1. pop them, drink the puss. Trust me. it works.

  2. Maybe you should wash your face in something other than dirt, little miss piggy.

  3. yes, this is most definitely do to really sucks growing up :P here are some hints:

    *wash your face twice a day with a face wash that works for you. i use ProActiv because i have extremely bad acne, but if you wanted something cheaper you should get St. Ives apricot facial cleanser.

    *before you go to bed, dab on clearisil pimple cream...if you do it every night, the pimple with be gone in three days.

    *we all have some pimples...just understand that a little red bump does not change who you are - gorgeous and cute

    good luck :D -laura

  4. rub some yogart on your face till it drys and wash it off and dabb some lemon on the pimples I know it sounds weird but it really works

  5. use St. Ives Blemish Fighting Apricot Cleanse daily.

    you can basically get it anywhere.

  6. i had the same problem     heres what you do...go buy some phillips milk of magnesia...its a liquid laxitive      buy the cherry flavor and rub it on your pimples 2-3 times a day and wash it off once you applied it

  7. Stress or you're about to get your period.  Put some visine on it after cold packing it tonight.  Good Luck!!

  8. put toothpaste on it, it drys the zit out.

    or steam ur face for three minutes to open up ur pores.

    if that doesnt work then i suggest buying some kind of cleanser for ur face.

  9. I would recommand getting this

    I tried it and it works fantastic like overnight results are amazing, another tip is are you staying up late and not getting enough sleep? lack of sleep causes pimples

  10. you don't need to wash your face more than twice a day, that's too much. when your skin is overly dry, it produces more oil...which leads to pimples. don't stress about them either, that adds to the problem. drink plenty of water and eat healthy. exercise too! use a good foundation and concealer to cover them up, they'll be gone before you know it.

  11. Yup, puberty. My secret -- Proactive Pore Refining Mask. Dab a lil of this stuff on each pimple before bed. You'll be amazed when u wake up in the morning.

    For prevention-- its expensive but can your parents buy you the clarisonic and the Obagi Nu-derm foaming face wash? Use this twice a day. I've been using this for 3 months now and have not had one zit on my face since I started. Good luck.

  12. DON'T POP THEM!! Drink lots of water and they will clear up! When you pop pimples you tear through your skin and damages it.

  13. At your age, your hormones are fluctuating. We all have the male hormone androgen. Male or Female, this hormone can cause an increase in oil production in the sebaceous glands of the skin.

    There is a flora(bacteria) that lives on our skin called Acne propioni b. which, under the righe conditions, interacts with the increase of oil in your pores and becomes a blemish. This is the typical red pimple. You cannot make these go away immediately, becuase your white blood cells are working to heal the wound(as your body sees it). While it is healing, DO NOT MESS WITH IT! You will spread the bacteria, and your face will break out even more, Instead, clean your face with a cleanser made with salicylic acid (like Cetaphil) twice a day, and use a non-alcohol, non-benzoyl peroxide toner after cleansing, EVERY TIME. ***If you are allergic to asparin, DO NOT use salicylic acid***

    You can try to put pure lemon juice on the pimples to bring them down for your event, and use a good concealer. Just be sure to wash your face before you go to bed.

    Also, don't over-wash your face. YOu could strip the natural oil that your skin needs. When you do this, your skin thinks it is too dry and produces more oil-then you have more than you need. More is never better.

    Next, start seeing an aesthetician for monthly facials. You will be glad you did!

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