
I have gotten some wicker furnituer that has been outdoors and has some small specks of mold on it.?

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what would be the safest way to clean it off, and what kind of paint could be used on it




  1. I cleaned mine with a water hose, bucket of soapy water and a soft scrub brush.  New Dawn is a great soap, and can be used on anything.  If you want, add a small amount of bleach to the water.  Set in the sun to dry a few days.  Turn it upside down and scrub it that way first, then right side up and rinse.  I have read two articles on painting them, one says oil based, which it had originally, and one says water based paint.  A brush was the old way to do it, spray paint is the easiest way, but expensive, unless you have access to a sprayer.  Again, start upside down, then turn right side up to finish.  Just be sure you put down cardboard before you paint.  Get the boxes from the back of a furniture store, and fold them up to fit your car.  Make sure it is about 18" wider than the piece of furniture.  Paint in the shade, dry in the sun.

  2. lysol disenfectant spray [original.]   a toothbrush [used gently.] rustolyeme or crylon . make sure you know how to sweep the spray on , or it will cougulate.    this is antique finish repair, weather it's atique or not.

  3. bleach and hot water.  lysol for mold works great.  krylon paint for outdoor furniture

  4. Warm water and Cascade dish washer soap.  Works great on washing the car too! :D

  5. the best and easiest way is to get  bottle of Oxiclean laundry stain remover spray and spray the mold away.

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