
I have guppies, what to do?

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i have 4 guppies 2 male 2 female and a cory catfish. Since both my guppies are already pregnant can i keep them in a 1-2 gal until i see fry? Also i need to know the s*x of my cory catfish so i can breed them. And everybody keeps saying feed guppies live/frozen food. What type? and i need someone to give my guppies to, any suggestions?




  1. If the males and females are in the same area they will have many many babies. The females ones fertilized can put out a lot of live babies.. you should know you will be feeding for more then 4 very soon!

  2. male corys have higher back spines

  3. feed them shrimp (just buy the tropical flakes, they're frozen and made out of shrimp) and if your keeping all four guppies in a 1-2 gallon tank,you really gotta watch it and clean it everyday because it'll get kinda dirty in there so do 10% water changes everyday to maintain it. when you see fry, remove the adult guppies, as they might eat most of them, unless you dont want alot. im not sure about the catfish, but go on google and search differences between male and female cory catfish, and i will tell you how to tell the differences about them so you can find out if its a male or a female.   Hope this helps!

  4. frozen bloodworms and tubifex along with brine shrimp.

  5. You can put your females in a 1-2 gallon container until they drop their fry and then put the females back into the main tank and grow the fry out in the small container until they are larger.  You may want to put an airstone in the 1-2 gallon container, or you could end up with scum on the top (this happens sometimes).  Also, make sure this 1-2 gallon container stays warm enough.  If you're not using any kind of a filter (not really necessary for fry) you should do small water changes every 2-3 days.

    Live food is not totally necessary for guppies, but when raising fry, feeding live food in the first few weeks will optimize growth.  Live foods most often recommended for guppy fry are microworms, daphnia, vinegar eels and baby brine shrimp.  There are alternatives nowadays.  You can use decapsulated brine shrimp eggs or "Better Than Brine" or "Cyclopeeze" which is easier than hatching out brine shrimp eggs and provides the same nutrition.  Personally, I culture microworms as I find hatching brine shrimp eggs to be a pain.  I also feed frozen bloodworms and frozen brine shrimp.

    Sexing cories is a tricky business.  Females are supposed to be a little larger and fatter through the middle than the males.  If you really want to know for sure, you should Google it, and there's some technical stuff about comparing their vents, but I've never really wanted to get that up close and personal with my cories.  You really should have more than one.  They are very social little fish and are happiest in groups of 3 or more.  If you want to breed them, you are going to need at least 5.  You'll need very low nitrates in your tank because they are very nitrate sensitive, and you want a low PH and you're going to have to imitate a rainy season for them.  Generally they tend to breed after a water change done with slightly cool water.

    Once your guppies come into their color, you can check around your local pet stores and fish stores to see if they will take them.  Sometimes you can get credit for them.  Or you can try Craigslist and sell them there.  If you have a pure bred strain you might be able to sell them on AquaBid.

    You also might want to check out  The forum there is a great source of info on everything to do with guppies and other fish.

  6. I never fed my guppies frozen food. I just gave flakes and when there are fry make sure you take out the parents!! Or else the fry will be the live food! If you do get live food you can get many types of food at pet stores. They have them packed just like flakes or there is some in  refrigerators at the pet store.

  7. As far as frozen food goes, brine shrimp and blood worms.

  8. Hi

    No you dont want to move the female guppies to a new tank if there pregnant now.

    When female guppies that are pregnant get stressed the some times loss or abort there babies.

    as for food live or frozen brine shrimp are about the best for baby guppies.

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