
I have had 2 loud speakers stood next to my JVC TV. This has caused problems with the colour on the right side

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I understand this can be corrected by degaussing the TV. As it is only a small section will it correct itself or will i have to to buy a degaussing coil? Help will be much appreciated! Thanks




  1. A degaussing coil will work, but you may be able to fix it without that by just turning the set off and on a few times.

    A local repair shop may have a coil you could borrow.

  2. you can use a power supply "brick" from another appliance as a degaussing coil. just plug it in and turn it on and rub over the screen. the alternating magnetic field removes the inherited gauss.

  3. it will be because the speakers have magnets in them try moving them further away :-0

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