
I have had 2 reacuring dreams for 45 years what can they mean?

by  |  earlier

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The first is I am outside my Nans house , it was very old and when I looked up to the bedroom window the seal was covered in jewels and when I turned around the gutter was also covered these diamonds , each time I looked about there were my jewels.

The other is im in an old victorian house I think is my Aunts , it has loads of rooms which I loved exploring but one room I had a terrible feeling about it , someone or something was in there and I could force myself to enter . Each time I dream about the house im older and I still cant go in the room even though I love the house to go exploring.




  1. Recurrring dreams are quite normal - so don't be disturbed by them.

    My own were, for decades, revisits to either a delapitated Tudor mansion - the more of which I explored - I found to be in a state of decay, beyond repair -  or a much grander Georgian mansion - with endless corridors I kept treading, and getting lost in.

    Dreams which constantly recurred.  And spooked me out a bit, if I'm honest - making me wonder if there might be some truth in notions of previous lives - reincarnation, etc.

    But I concluded otherwise - put it down to the activity of the subconscious mind, which by definition is neither logical nor rational.

    Being 'SUB' it tends to register our deepest fears - or most fondly wished for hopes - or dreams.

    I'd suggest that if you CONsciously think it through - address whatever sad/fondest memories of your Nan - and the spooky room in your Aunt's house - you'll  also resolve the way the subconcious mind so often repeats dreams we'd prefer it didn't.

    Some would call it mind control - but whatever - sweet dreams.

  2. Usually dreams about houses=aspects of your personality. Old houses that are familiar are also houses that you've encountered before, and have some kind of connection with. It seems that the first dream points to some kind of intuition that you have. I could be wrong, but according to how i perceive this dream and also what my dream dictionary says, you have a very keen sense of awareness. It can also mean that your "Nan" helped developed some kind of relationship that has cultivated the way you perceive yourself and the world. Jewels= what your unconscious treasures.

    Second dream means that there is/are old memories with past experiences that may have caused some type of trauma within your personality. There is some aspect or experience of yourself (That you may perceive negatively) that you have been through, that is trying to seek some healing.

    These are just my opinions, maybe someone else will have a better answer.

    Good luck

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