
I have had a bearded dragon for a year now. can I get another for her?

by  |  earlier

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I've had her for a while, and I want to know if she can be introduced to another.




  1. She should be okay with another female.

    Im not entirly sure but if you had a male they most likely would breed.

    But dont just get the other and put them together immediantly. Its proably best to have another viv too be on the safe side so if they fight you can seperate them and so that when you by her she has time to settly in on her own for a while. :) Enjoy yuur new beardie

  2. She should be fine living with a male,I had mine for a year too,when i decided i would get a male.Introduce them slowly,and after that just keep an eye on them.Beard flaring(male) and arm waving(female) are a good sign of a healthy relationship between "beardies".The most important thing is to feed them seperately for the first 2 weeks or however long you see fit.Hope this helps!! :D NB(expect breeding if given enough freedom)

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