
I have had a few abortions in the past,can it affect me now?

by Guest57253  |  earlier

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i have one child.hes 4,i had few abortions after my 1st child.i just got on no birthcontrol nor do we have safe s*x.but i havent got pregnant.we've been together over a period is messed up.i havent been on b.c. for over a year. depo shot was the last,just for you think my abortions from my pass could affect me now?




  1. I hope so.

  2. Ok let me get this straight. You have one child, and you found out what a joy they are. WHY DID YOU KILL ALL THE OTHER BABIES YOU WERE PREGNANT WITH? I am not sorry to say, but I hope you can't get pregnant again. You don't deserve it. You make people like me so mad. My dh and I have been trying for over a year to get pregnant with our first and you have killed several babies, why, just because you didn't want the responsibility. Abortion is not a form of birth control so quit using it as one. I hope you take better care of the kid you have now, because you didn't take care of it's brother or sister that it could have had.

  3. you've had a few abortions after your first child and he's only could you have done this after finding out how wonderful being a mom is?  there are so many couples out there that would have loved to adopted your babies and loved them with all their heart...did you have one every year??  just not sure how you could have done this and now you are trying to have a's just not fair.  i hope for your child's sake that you are completely turned around and are a good person now..

  4. hi they may have an impact if they were not done right or if the person didnt know what they were doing (not sure where you live and the laws there) but haing irregular periods could mean your not ovulatin each month which would make it harder id speak to your dr as aking people on line you dont know there qualifications and they dont know your medical history say relax and your body knows when your ready some people r so judgemental without knowing the whole story

  5. yes it can mess you up especially if you had more than one, i dont know what a few is but im sure its enough to mess your system up.  and honestly if it did i dont feel bad for you, you gave up "a few" precious lives what makes you think you should get to have one now.  

  6. If the abortions have left you with any scarring or weakening of the cervix then yes it may effect your ability to concieve.

    this is a matter to take up with your Doctor.

    The depo shot can cause major fertitlity problems, for most women it will take 18months-2yrs to get their normal cycles back.

    your irregular 'messed up' cycles are probbaly caused by the injection.

    See your doctor.

  7. abortions do not affect your ability to conceive now...

    if you have irregular periods and want to get pregnant talk to your doc about meds that will help regulate such as Clomid,

    you can also ask a fertility specialist online for free for advice, try

    good luck!!

  8. abortion should not be a form of birth control, and since you mention that you have had a few i can't but help but think that you think it is ok.  Did you not learn from your FIRST abortion to have safer s*x so you wouldn't have to terminate more pregnancies?  If you don't want a baby you shouldn't be having s*x, or UNPROTECTED s*x that you have mentioned in this question that you CONTINUE to have even before you were trying.  Why do you think it is ok to have unprotected s*x if you don't want a baby?  does something in your mind say "oh, well, im not gonna use protection and if i get pregnant i can always have an abortion!".  geez... it probably will affected your chances if getting pregnant.  i hope so!  and i bet your son that you actually do have feels lucky that he wasnt one of the aborted ones.  you must have craploads of unprotected s*x if you have a kid already and have had several abortions.  i bet they are from all different men as well!

    EDIT:  thumbs down all you want people... it is true.  if you have an abortion the first time and dont learn to be safer the next time or in her case, THREE or more, then you are stupid and dont deserve another chance to create a life.  you shouldnt play around with life in the first place if you dont want to create it.  thats what condoms and birth control are for.  if you are "woman" enough to spread your legs without protection then you should be "woman" enough to have a good job and financially stable to take care of the consequences (a baby)

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