
I have had a route filling but my tooth is still sore. I am afraid of the dentist what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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i don't want to go to the dentist because i've been scared of him ever since i was a child. Please give me another idea..




  1. I'd call a dentist right now and ask. They'll give you your answer!

    And if you need to see the dentist again, then do it. You wouldn't want it to get worse would you?

  2. i have the same problem. Im too scared to ask though. Thanks for asking the Q. Cause I thought I'd be the only one wondering what to do!!

  3. sometimes wen the nerve in a tooth is gone u get something called gost pains temporareilly u need to explain your fear to him and either work things out with him or get a new dentist theres no need to be scared

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