
I have had a weird dream of having a baby boy..?

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thanks ppl for taking the time to read this, this is going to be a long one. ideally i would like dream interpreters to answer this or clairvoyants/physics!

basically i already have an 18 month old daughter and am NOT looking to fall pregnant again, i am on the pill so chances are it wont happen. I dreamt last night that i had a baby boy who weighed 8 pound 14 ounces. he looked rather fat, anyway in my dream i was the only one in hospital my partner wasnt there nor my family. my midwife from my daughter came to visit me but didnt seem her usual caring self.this dream was very distant with the people i feel are usually quite close in my real life. Anyway apart from the baby being overweight to look at, and the distance stuff i was over the moon, and all day today when ive been thinking about it it really cheers me up! any ideas please.....




  1. To dream that you are pregnant, symbolizes an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on it.  This may also represent the birth of a new idea, direction, project or goal.

  2. Truthfully I believe that this chubby baby is a new idea or goal that you are developing.

    Think about why no one in your family was there.  In real life do you think that these people are not supportive of your idea/goal?  

    The midwife was there, but was not nurturing and very distant - unlike herself in real life.  This could be symbolic of the fact that your idea is not getting the attention/nurturing that you feel like it needs.

    I believe your subconscious really has faith in your idea.  Go for it!!!

    Best of luck to you!!  

    This is based on the information you provided, if that doesn't make any sense - there is an article attached and it has a dream dictionary at the end.  But sometimes it is very hard to interpret your own dreams.

  3. pregnancy symbolises heaviness, that is, mental and emotional 'heaviness' or hardship. To give birth to a baby boy infers to the devil or lurking evil.

  4. In a dream,having a  baby can suggest a new phase of your life, a new idea, new activity and you certainly do with your new baby girl. The baby being a boy could also mean that you want to begin new projects or embark on new things-or the emergence of a new phase of self expression in terms of activity or achievement. The baby being fat means that you feel that you have a lot to give. The fact that the midwife and your family was rather distant means that you have ideas that you want to begin yourself, not with other people.

    If you think about it, this probably coincides with the life your having now. You are in a nurturing and growing phase, as well as making some big changes in your life. This dream just recognizes all the things that you want to accomplish in your awake life.

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