
I have had alot of bad luck all my life,will it get better?

by  |  earlier

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My inlaws feel that becuse I don,t do church that is why all is happening such as lose of a grandbaby,my son injured in Iraq,we almost lost him several times.lost my job ,cant find one and in may broke my ankle in three placesand still hurts like h**l and no insurance




  1. i wonder about my life also,, ive had some much happen, if life dont get easy soon, im not sure what all the hype is about living.

    i had someone struck up a conversation, he said karma. karma skips generations, maybe someone in your family past, someone who relates to you, had done wrong. i dont know much about my past, but karma is always around. my life is so bad if i told you a range of bad luck that i get, you would think im making it up. i guess its funny, just not for me.  

  2. Bad luck has nothing to do with church. Why is it that people have to go around shoving their beliefs in other people's throats AND add insult to injury? Bad luck is simply misfortune, which happens everywhere. You just happen to get it alot. Misfortune is part of reality, it isn't "caused" by a freak accident, it is never really "caused" by something supernatural. You just don't know one day you are working at the restaurant, the next day you come for work and some guy starts shooting at everyone.

    Life is what you make of it, and yes it can be extremely difficult to get back on your feet especially in your situation. But positive thinking is about the only way you have to change things around. I've realized that negative thinking results in negative events in your life. I experienced a liver attack and was sick for 3 months...I was depressed for months even afterwards. I've only started to get back up when I started thinking positively about my surroundings and especially MYSELF.

    I know what you mean feeling like a jinx or "bad luck" person, but it's all in your head. Hope all goes well, also for your son...

  3. there is no such thing as luck,but there are rewards and punishments from God

  4. First off, you do not have to go to church to pray.

    Secondly, talking to a local priest or pastor might make you feel better.

    Third, go to the free clinic and have them look at your ankle before you wind up needing surgery.

    Fourth, go to the local hospital and get rated so that you can get medical care at a reduced rate per your income. Once you do, you can set up an appointment to talk to a psychiatrist. You appear to have depression.

    Lastly, until you find work...

    1. apply for unemployment

    2. apply for food stamps

    3. go to a church and ask for assistance

    4. check into local social service agencies

    5. start babysitting for money

    6. running errands for money

    7. walk dogs for money

    8. cut your neighbors lawns for money

    Best wishes

  5. That's not true. Church is a place of worship to God and fellowship. Going to church is not going to make anything better unless you have a personal relationship with the Lord. Plus nothing happens without a reasons. All of these pains only come to make you stronger and wiser.

  6. It can get better if you firmly believe it will, take an optimistic stance, and work to make it better (sitting wishing that things get better will not help, usually you have to do something about it, in this case trying to find a job would be a good place to start or may be talking with someone you know that can help). Going to church has nothing to do with this. People can be spiritual and have a lot of faith without going to church. Also, remember that the past is past and it cannot be erased, but it doesn't have to be repeated either if you learn from your mistakes; just forget about the sad parts and concentrate on the good ones. Or even better, forget it altogether because the present has nothing to do with the past, I mean be optimistic, there is no way anything will work if you think you can't have good luck. I like the saying that says: " think of the glass as half-full rather than half-empty" hey at least it is not empty! Try to seek solutions for your problems (or people that can help you to find and/or reach those) and don't be pessimistic, that's my best advice.

  7. you remind me of my mother always focusing on the negatives, lose of a child is unbearable and i cant imagine how anyone ever gets through the deep hole of grief, your son was injured but he is alive! you lost your job because of instances beyond your control most likely but there are jobs out there you may have to lower your standards, even mcdonalds offers health insurance, and as far as your ankle see a dr make small monthly payments until you have a job, you are unable to have a job if you cant see the light behind the darkness. i have had an incredibly difficult life due to the irresposibility of my mother, however that being said i also know i am resposible for my own happiness and can not expect it to drop out of the air, you are alive and breathing your son made it home from Iraq which is more then i can say about six of my buddies who did NOT make it home alive. You are in charge of your future, i believe there is a higher being but after losing three babies myself i have a hard time believing that, i just think i am being tested about my strength not necessarily my faith, pick yourself up get ready at 7:30 am dont wait in bed for the sun to wake you up, get to the job service place and fill out applications all day if that is what it takes! you will pull through but it is up to you!

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