
I have had an yahoo email ID for years and the i hooked up DSL from at&t and used my yahoo ID for the email

by  |  earlier

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account and now i have moved and dissconcted the DSL and at&t has told me i will lose my email address if i dont keep the service i just wanted to know how this is or is at all possible while it was the proptery of yahoo and my email years before i used at&t DLS




  1. I have yahoo dsl service through at&t as well, your address is different from address.

    It is totally separate.  Your account should be fine, since it's a web email.

  2. For a fact, if you had your yahoo email before AT&T; then you'll have it post AT&T.  Are you sure they aren't talking about the automatic email address they give you when you sign up for DSL with them.  It's not a yahoo, I don't think.  Call and ask them to tell you the email address is that they will be disconnecting...I'll it's not the yahoo address.

  3. Its true that they can close your acct if it remains inactive for a certain  period of time. Not sure about Yahoo, but MSN gives you 60days, and 120 days to del account.

  4. If your email address is "" you ill not lose it because that belongs to an open free email address server.  If your email address ends in anything else you will lose it because then it is connected to AT&T.

  5. you will not lose your yahoo email account for disconnecting at&t. they are not the same thing. you will still have it.  

  6. Why can't you read it?

  7. You won't lose the yahoo address. I think it means that if you sign up again for the DSL you won't be able to use the same email address again.

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