
I have had constipation for the last 5 days?

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I have been constipated for the last 5 days

I've been drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water a day, eating the recommended 5 serves of fruit/vegetables, and I haven't been splurging on junk food or anything. I've also been getting a reasonable amount of exercise. I'm a 15 year old female, and if it's relevant, my last period finished just 2 days ago

Can anything think of why this may be the case?

Thanks =]




  1. Take an e***a

  2. Have you tried eating an apple or drinking a glass of apple juice?

  3. Do you take any medicine? Some medicines can cause this. If it doesn't fix itself in the next day or so I would tell a parent or just get some exlax and take it. You may have to see a doctor if it doesn't clear up.

  4. some ppl have irregular stomaches try lactaid yogurt

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