I've had generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder now for 5 years, nearing 6 years. the first several years I spent losing everything I worked hard for, lost my way of life, became agoraphobic (still am agoraphobic)..my first panic attack was at age 26..Im now 31 almost 32 and for the past year I've been having bouts of severe fatigue and body aches, mostly in my legs and arms..when Im having the fatigue, I feel very weak and my legs feel like they are buckling under me...I feel nauseated when this happens and my mind begins racing with thoughts that I am about to die...This is a relative new symptom...for the first few years, I never experienced the muscle aches, just in my neck area....I always felt tense in my neck and my neck felt stiff alot and I was told that was my anxiety....I now get very severe muscle aches, almost feel like I have the flu but I don't...I read that this is a common symptom of anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder...I spend my days in non stop worry and I have a half dozen or more true panic attacks a day...my panic attacks consist of complete body shaking, tremors, difficulty breathing, hyperventilating and nausea and dizziness. Sometimes a panic attack will feed off of itself and last up to an hour maybe more...It is scary and I am also medication phobic...I had a prior allergic reaction to a medication and that is a problem with getting treatment because I am scared of taking medicine and not feeling like I am in control...I know it's silly to think that way because in my current state of mind and body, I am in no way near being in control of myself but that is the mind of an anxious person...what I want to ask is if anyone else experiences these muscle aches...they feel very deep, almost feel like my bones are aching...and as they ache I feel fatigue, sometimes so bad I feel like I have a hard time walking...feeling like Im about to collapse...I am scared and need help bad and want help, I just need to express my worries and hope somone out there can help out or give me some decent advice..or share your experiences with anxiety...thanks....