
I have had gerd for over a year the docs don't seem to help much. Has anyone tried the herb Mastic? ?

by  |  earlier

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Please let me know what your results were, how long you took,dosage. I've taken for three days and do feel a difference.




  1. I haven't tried any herbs for mine, but have learned a way to calm it down most of the time.  I usually have problems right after I start eating.  I've found that as soon as it starts, if I take a deep breath and hold it while forcing myself to relax, it usually backs off.  It doesn't work every single time, but for me, it usually does the trick.

  2. Mastic has worked wonders for me

  3. Yes. Mastic Gum is very good for protecting the lining of your stomach and GI tract, plus it helps to strengthen the mucosal barrier. Most people take it to calm their stomach after eating a big meal.

    However, I've heard of a number of people that have gotten relief from Gerd from DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice) because that helps to coat the stomach as well. You could try either or both of those to help out. Good luck!

  4. no but ginger is good for gerd

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