
I have had my 2 kids 9 months now do i have full custody?

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I left the wife back in november, And have had my kids since we left. does that automatically grant me full custody? If not where do i go to get it? I live in Ga




  1. I'm afraid not . You will have to go to court to make it legal .

    When you go to court it should be no problem in getting full custody of the kids .

    With her track record , I see no judge granting her any custody at all .

    I would ask the judge when you go if he could order  supervised visitation only . That's if she even get visitation .

    Good luck

  2. Well you will still have to go thru the proper channels a divorce will not be automatic but I say the ball is in your court.  

  3. no you dont automaticly get custody or a divorce!however should you seek(want that)it,the judge will more than likely grant you both.people make mistakes& nobody should or can replace your biological mom completly.i hope&will pray that you think long and hard and do what you feel is rite for your babies!they are precious and innocent!!life doesnt come wiiith a instruction manual,unfortunatly.all we can do is our best,the rest is up to god!!i wish you the best of luck,youll need it youve got along road ahead of you!with our children we  learn,by the time we have grandchildren we have much better skills!have patience,theyre so worth it!!!

  4. Go to your family courts in your town and file for your kids for full custody, under the law as unfit mother and she is in jail. If you don't, she may have one of her family members file custody for your kids and take them away from you. I would also file for divorce at the same time. Tell the clerk that you do not have attorney and they will appoint one for you. But you need to go to Family Courts.

  5. NO.  You HAVE to go to court to file for divorce and part of that will be getting full custody of your kids.

    Some advice - don't get involved with anyone, dedicate yourself to your kids!!!

  6. Court system is a business- they charge for services. Nothing is free, nothing automatic.

    That being said, you need to get custody papers, for school, medical etc. You never know when you will be asked- and to protect yourself and you kids from an obviously unstable woman. Best start is call father's orgs who can direct you to legal help and often offer free advice.

    Try to call and get some free info. Usually lawyers will offer that hoping for your business, but you can get questions answered. Check yellow pages too. ALso can log on to superior court in your county and read about cuostdy law.

  7. Unfortunately no, you must still go to court and make it legal. It is a good thing to do though because it will save alot of hassles when it comes time for her to get out of jail. Also it will be alot easier when you run into things such as doctors and school things if you have legal custody then you won't have to get her permission for anything pertaining to the kids. I wish you luck as your kids will probably be very confused about the whole jail thing.  

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