
I have had my male guinea pig for almost a month and he wont leave his house/igloo.?

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i hand feed him and take him out and let him run around but he still runs aways and hides and doesn't come out.




  1. Your guinea pigs needs a companion of the same s*x. Several companions is even better. His cage is also probably way too small and he's most likely scared of you because he's all alone. Please read this site very carefully, it will tell you everything you need to know.

  2. This is what prey animals do! They run & hide from anything they fear might want to "catch" them. Your piggie doesn't understand yet that you don't want to eat him for a snack.

    Give it some time. Depending upon the personality of the piggie, it can take months before he completely trusts you. I have some that are over 3 years old & they *still* run when I try to get them from the cage.

    You may want to consider adopting a same-s*x buddy for your piggie. Guinea pigs should really be housed in PAIRS to be happy and healthy. It will make a big difference in his personality---he will really "come out of his shell" if he has another piggie with which to play and talk.

    Good luck!

  3. guinea pigs are naturally afraid all the time, and you just need to stick to what youre doing. when youre playing with your guinea pig, dont give him something to hide under, give him small fun toys he can chew or throw

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