
I have had sequels to some of my dreams like the next day after the first one....?

by  |  earlier

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Had it when I was 6! (now im 17 ;])

I was on a ship...with this weird kid and my cousin and my ESOL teacher (IDK IT's MY DREAM OK??? lol) Any way, it was cloudy and night time and there was like a storm. And idk why but their was like these poles going this way --->and they were in the air. SO you could like sit on them. SO I was sitting on one and then I slipped and i was falling but then that weird kid grabbed my wrist and pulled me up and I was like " thx you saved mah life!!!" but like in the bakround my esol teacher was like "theres a big storm!! Blah Blah BLah!!!!" and stuff and my cousin was just like sitting there lol. but then I just decided to get off b/c my esol teacher was like "LAND!" so there was a lil island bout the size of a house, and i went on it but there was like these king dudes on it like the three kings from the story but there was like 8 lol. Then next day i had a sequal that i sat with the kings but i cant really remeber wat they sed but it was realy boring




  1. Well, in the first dream, there was no resolution, so you continued on.  But in the second dream, you learned that there was no resolution to be had, and in fact it was boring, so you could just end the dream safely and get on with your life.

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