
I have had several great interviews where it is clear they really like me. I have yet to get hired; what's up?

by  |  earlier

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I am currently seeking employment in sales; I have extensive experience, both retail and wholesale, as well as management experience (in a design showroom) with an emphasis on excellent customer care. For the record, I am educated, very hard working, "think on my feet", not ugly! (blonde; not the least bit ditsy but definitely have a good sense of humor) and am very creative (in many areas). This may all sound arrogant but I can back it up; I have to state these things as it leads to my question. I have been a successful artist with my own company for the last eight years but the economy has taken a serious toll on the art & design industry; therefore, I need to seek employment as we don't have a money tree planted in the back, despite the credentials, and the great interview feedback, what am I missing? I have been seeking diligently with a good resume, good referrences, follow-up calls and thank you letters, I am beginning to think I am jinxed!! Thanks for your time-




  1. Not trying to be mean or anything, but me as an employer, we have to look like we like you to every single person that comes in for an interview, and so you may think that the emplyer really liked you and is going to hire you but in reality he may not have but still had to show it. When places are hiring they usually look at all the candidates and make final decisions.

  2. The only thing it seems to me that you are lacking is recent sales experience, so you should try to emphasize whatever sales work you did as the owner of your own company in your interviews.

    If everything you're saying is true, it's just bad luck. Keep trying and you'll find something. Obviously, the economy is bad right now, so good jobs are in short supply, and sometimes you're just not the person they're looking for, even if you're good.

  3. Be patient, but be persistent.  An employer likes to know that you are really interested in the job, not just checking things out.  Get back to them if they don't get back to you.  Make sure you ask the employer during the interview when you can expect to hear from them? Most have a specific date or will tell you if you are not top of the list.

  4. Understand that you are not the only one being interviewed.  You are competing with others who may have more experience and/or qualifications.  It's not just about liking you, it's about being better than everyone else that interviews.  Just keep trying.  If you are qualified, eventually you will get hired.

  5. welcome to the world of job searching I'm doing the same thing myself

    I have 7 years active military service

    a 4 year regionally accredited bachelors degree

    and working on my masters degree

    plus I have retail and management/supervisor experience as well and I am in the same boat as you it just takes time and something will come along

  6. Hey I know what you mean I was seeking employment too and the people always say we will call you in a couple of days if we are interested but if you go under they are good at helping you find a job, Good Luck!

  7. Wow, a week ago I could have written this same question.

    We have identical conundrums and very similar backgrounds and credentials (different field but you get the drift).

    I also thought I was cursed and I am still amazed at how difficult it was to land the job I start this Monday.

    I have always moved farther up in the world with every new job I have secured but this time I had to take a somewhat lower position which pays decent but I am used to higher ranking positions.

    I follow the economy very closely and I am acutely aware of what's going on out there.

    The reality is that we are experiencing a depression and as Winston Churchill once put it (I'm paraphrasing) "This is not the beginning of the end but instead the end of the beginning"....which means it' gonna get a lot worse.

    In other words, fasten your seat belts everybody cause we are all going for a ride and it's gonna ge a little rough.

    We are currently making history and even experienced economists are very concerned and unsure as to when and how this will all play out.

    Try these 2 sites to better inform yourself:

    I am not trying to be the naysayer of doom but I am trying to impress upon you just how bad it is out there.

    Because of these circumstances the job market has been flooded with prospectors and more importantly, everyone who works somewhere knows someone who badly needs a job...maybe even the job their company is hiring for.

    It took me almost 5 months of intense searching and interviewing to secure this job.

    I even started looking out of state!

    Do some research on your local economy as well.

    Keep your head up and be diligent.

    Start applying to companies which are not yet hiring and you may need to expand your search into career fields which you were previously uninterested in.

    Good luck in your search!

  8. You might try calling a business or two that went with someone else and ask them.  Don't take it personally.  They may simply have had other applicants who better fit their needs.  You also can't forget that sometimes nepotism comes into play.

  9. What about a cover letter with your resume - that seems to be almost a requirement these days.  A short synopsis of who you are and why you would be an asset to the company.

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