
I have had some dreams lately and they end up happening. Am I psychic?

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I am really starting to believe in the power of dreams? Why are dreams so powerful and have an effect on events that actually happen. I don't think everything in my life is that predicable. I have had some uncanny and strange things happen that seem out of the ordinary. Not just ordinary stuff. Does anyone know about the power of dreams and why they sometimes come true? Are they wishes, predictions and why do they sometimes play out in real life? Do I have intuitive or psychic abilities?




  1. umm yeah maybe if your dreams come true you could be psychic or maybe its all just in your head

  2. do you believe you have abilities that go beyond most others? OR Could it be that you opened the door for reality to walk in a predisposed path where your own brain took your inner mind in order to take the steps needed to change something that you think you need call a dream? was it a dream or a premonition called for by your brain for a purpose only your subconcious knew was needed? See I think we all can open doors made normally closed by whatever reason but by merely applying our subcontious we open those often locked doors and we are able to grow with each occurance. as we do so we are ever pleased by the concious effort we took to even remember that we had just recently brought up said change or opportunity. Do you always get what you want in your dreams or soetimes do the wants come close but fall short? or even not even touch down where you most wanted and needed the dreams path to handle your affair. Do you believe in your inner being (subconscious) having a good relationship with your (conscious) aura?????

  3. It doesn't neccessarily mean you are physic and yeah i did have dreams of accurate events. I think it is due the highten sense of things that somehow that something maybe a hormone or chemical causes the brain to highten its senses.

  4. I'm not sure, sometimes this happens to me too though... What do you think about me ;)

  5. I really don't thin your a psychic. I just think that there are many clues in life and you my dear have have all those in front of you. God is the only one that can read our minds, he created us and know us head to toe. Yes, there might be coincidences that happen but that doesn't necessarily mean that your a psychic.

  6. No, just wishful thinking ...........................................

    Good Luck

  7. it's possible people will develop psychic powers in the future

  8. This is heard of frequently. All I can say is that it is possible, think what you will, have fun thinking it!

  9. More likely what happened was the event occurred first and then the dream happened afterwards.  Your mind then confused you into thinking the dream happened first.  A mind is a terrible thing to waste; don't start doing it now.

  10. Seeing as Stephen G is not answering right now and I'm waiting for him to do so, I invite you to guess my occupation and a former hobby.

    My opinion on dreams is that they are not 'doorways' or 'windows' into the future, merely a few memories and such things combined.I also don/'t believe dreams are powerful or have effects on events.

    I don't think that you're psychic; I'd like to know what exactly happened. It could be that you thought of it randomly and then it happened some time later--a coincidence.

    Thanks for actually doing was semi-right.

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