
I have had this dream since I was a small child what does it mean?

by  |  earlier

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I don't play video games haha




  1. Well ...very interesting....I think it means you need to stop playing video games and go outside and shoot hoops.

  2. has always been very helpful to me. Do you have any plans on enlisting? Perhaps it's a pseudo psychic dream. Just a thought.

  3. I have studied dreams and theres 3 ways to look at them, spiritual, some believe its your brains way of storing information that you take in and thats its filing it away, and some believe its sparked by certain foods or drinks that hit the brain in a certain way. i believe its spiritual.its a way for you to work out your problems with your inner self. your fighting very powerful people. soldiers that is. then your battling a powerful sorce that cant be recognized. i would say you have some inner conflicts with yourself that you are battling. maybe there is something going on that needs to be attended to? do you have anything that makes you feel belittled, or not respected or shown the credit you should be? anything can make a person feel this way. but until you discover the issue with yourself, i dont think you will be able to defeat the powerful force you are in battle with.

  4. past life bro.

  5. It doesn't mean anything.  It's your brain unwinding after a long day.

  6. it means ur crazzzayyy!!

  7. You take control.  You fight a leader and lose.  The white light is a promise to you.

    It's possible that you have control issues and not always able to know when to let others lead.  It is to your detriment and the white light is a promise to you that if you learn to let others lead you will redeem yourself and grow as a person.

  8. hm.

    too many video games.

  9. Well check dream

  10. Maybe it means that on your journey to something great (through the desert) you will destroy relationships with close friends (killing fellow soldiers) to gain control of your life (the vehicle)  The end result is that what you thought was a great opportunity ends up setting you further back

    (death by huge guy)  The fire can represent your desire to succeed.

    IDK man it was an amateurs guess    

  11. You need to talk to a Pharoe, or maybe Joseph.

  12. it is just a brain glitch.

  13. the only thing i can make of this is that your dream is like a warning telling you that if you betray your fellow men, then you will pay for it in the end. and the reason you have been having this dream since you were a kid is because you haven't betrayed your fellow men yet and your conscious wants to be sure that you wont EVER!

  14. Sounds like a good game lol

  15. it means u have problems with military, dude!

  16. reflects on your competitive nature and desire to move ahead..the powerful man probably is a manifestation of the fear or knowledge of the fact that you feel threatened or insecure about something and that you want to overcome it or defeat whoever it is...this is my interpretation...

    Or else you probably watch too many action movies!!!

  17. means you are gonna stab your friends in the back someday in the future.

    I dream things that are going to happen soon

  18. I would say you killing your fellow soldiers is you taking control of your life and doing what you have to do, whether that means losing some friends by doing it.

    The burning temple and the powerful man maybe someone in your life who you always seem to give in to.

    The fact you mention a temple, swords and a white light, i have to ask if you have any kind of religious beliefs?

    Anyway, i'm no expert in these matters but this is just my opinion.

  19. Hm. Maybe you'll join the military...

  20. Probably just gas.

  21. i think it might mean that u might join the army, or God is trying to tell u something. u should ask a preist maybe.

  22. Fighting a person or character that you don't know means your having a struggle with something in your sub conscience you cannot detect, and probably won't for a while, if you do at all.  

    Killing people on purpose shows that you are weak in some area in your mind. Try taking some relaxation classes, and maybe look into anger management. No offense dude, just what I usually get from people who have these kinds of dreams

    Taking over the vehicle shows that you you want to have power.  You have some force that you would like to get away from.

    War has a great significance.  Being in a war means that you could be fighting an all out battle for supremacy.

    So check out whats constraining you in life, and check from there.

    If you haven't had this dream in a while, and only had it when you were a kid, the problem might have been your parents.

    Well, thats pretty much all the insight I can give.  Good luck. ;)

  23. Ask Christ Jesus and God what it means!  Stay away from people with familiar spirits, they can only lie to you about it.

  24. got to a dream dictionary look for key words  

  25. you struggle with people, you have a hard time trusting them and the ones that you have trusted, have stabbed you in the back

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