
I have had this horrid dry skin red rash?

by  |  earlier

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about a year now i have had these red dry patches that come up on my skin after a bathe or shower. i have seen a doctor , he has no idea what they are or what is causing them , i have been tested , no fungus, or bacteria. i have tried every cream in the book , and changed all my soaps and laundry detergents, they will go away for a couple days and always come back. if anyone out there has an idea what it is and a cure i would love input. i have done reasearch on line and cant find a thing. and by the way the rash is on my legs and arms and at times my chest.




  1. Dude! So, basically I'm reading this...its a traveling thing...meaning it doesn't show up in the same place.  I would consider a cleanse of the body...fasting with some "golden seal" or whatever you find.  My thought is your body has a "something"...let's call it a virus for the sake of it.  Your body is trying to get it out and the warm water of a bath brings it to the surface or makes it move faster in the blood.  Cleanse the body and if you feel you can handle it, a colon cleanse.  

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