
I have had two put in a claim with my insurance company the sewer drain at the back became blocked?

by  |  earlier

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and the manhole cover had been concreted over. the insurance company have sent three different companies round to access this the problem is that now they want to send a forth company the problem is this has taken over two months the sewer manhole turned out to be located in an extention to the rear of the house this backs into my kitchen flies are manageing to get down it I also have condensation and fumes this I have along term health condition and am it is really making me sick now they want to send in this other company it could be over a month before it's resolved had anybody got any advise as to my legal rights?




  1. I would say that you have a very slim chance of a claim and will find your self in a long running battle.....

    the person you bought the house from could be sued as there should have been a manhole fitted and the extension  , depending when built should have had planning permission and there fore a building inspector  ( enviromental health ) would have been involved , the insurance company could say poor workmanship !! I  would suggest just sorting the problem out your self via a firm and swallow the cost as the problem needs to be resolvd as a matter of urgency  and you can not put up with that.. i would strongly reccomend contacting your solicitor re house purchase !! if you had a full survey done then you can sue the surveyor 100 %.

    you can also sue the previous owner too.

    I happen to be a plumber by trade and have dealt with these situations before , as for insurance companys these days they have clamped down a lot on these types of claims IF THE CAUSE OF BLOCKAGE WAS DUE TO AN ACCIDENT YOUR CHILD FLUSHING A TOY DOWN THE TOILET for  example you may get a claim that way as cause was accidental damage

  2. hi you

    firstly there looking for the cheapest price to get it fixed and you do have many right in this area you can report them to the ombusman for insurance companies your local health broad you could take them to Court your rights or endless here tell them hoe long you have given them to sure out the problem and if no work is done by the end of the week your left with no options but to take the matter up with to the ombusman you could get you lawyer to send a letter to the reason they taking there time is your not getting on to them about it

  3. Contact your local CAB asap

  4. In the first place who covered the manhole, was this mentioned when you bought the house,have you employed some one to build an extension and who's has concreted over the manhole,making claims from insurance can take time it seems very much that the insurer is sending in firms to rectify the problem when the firms arrives they don't seem to know how to make the matter right,try contracting them tell them of all that has gone on, most good insurer's will now be sending in an assured agent and putting the matter right, You need to forget all about health issue's the insuring company doesn't need to know and the company dealing with you to repair more the likely can't be bothered,see you doctor about health issue's but try not to worry

  5. sound s like the previous person caused this that is why all the different agents.. and it was done wrong.. sounds like the person put it on a wrong angle and the sewage is backing up.. a lot of money to seal this off.. are you using this extension or another one.. hard to decide with out more facts

  6. Hi,

    If you've become sick because of unhygienic condition,you've the every right to claim. I don't know details about UK insurance. But basic law of insurance tells that your health problem caused due to defective sewer which is the proximate cause and you're not responsible for this.So, I find no reason why do you not get paid your hospital expenses. Other things are immaterial in respect of your health problems or claim.

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