
I have had weird

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well i had these dreams last night about me having a boyfriend and were sitting on the couch and we kissed for a few seconds then i went up stairs to change and i came back down cuz i had friends upstairs and i said i will b down stairs with my bf and she is like to my other friend....she has a bf then i told my bf and he laughed and we kissed...i woke up several times and went back to sleep and the dream continued what could this mean and now it made me want a boyfriend but anyways wat could this mean!?!?!?! oh and i am 11 turnin 12 in november and dont say i am to young idc




  1. It is natural for a girl your age to have feelings for boys, and it is natural to dream about them.  However, that doesn't mean the time has come for you to actually DO anything about it.  Girls your age are so smart, and need time to figure out what life is all about before they start focusing on guys.  Guys near your age are such dweebs, and they can NEVER make up their minds and they have NO clue how to treat a lady.  

    You can ignore my advice, but in a few years you'll be looking back thinking, "Yuck!  I can't believe I wasted so many years of my life trying to attract such an immature bunch of babies!  I could have been developing my mind and my self esteem, becoming an awesome woman.  Now I just feel like I've been drooled on by a bunch of 'baby men' and I feel all used up."  THEN,  you end up having to do the growing up you SHOULD have been doing at age 12-17 or 18 when you actually WOULD have been getting old enough to think about boys.  

    Believe me, they get SO much more interesting around 18-25.  But if you start messing with them too soon, you'll be sick of them before they're worth your time.

    I sincerely hope you decide to be a woman of wisdom and character and realize you're worth FAR too much to spend the next several years being drooled over by a series of immature Romeos who will kiss you, but never call you.  They'd far rather be playing video games and seeing who can flick boogers the further than the others.

    Take it from a woman who knows.  



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