I have contacted several pool companies, my pool builder, pool service companies and still can not get a firm answer. Just try this and try that. I have had my water tested over and over, my hardness and things are within range. We have vaccumed and backwashed multiple times in the last month or so and we just had a new salt cell put on. The flakes pile up on the floor at every jet. We clean and vaccum and the next day they are back! I need help and want someone who is really experienced with this so I can get it resolved. It has only been about a week and half since we replaced the salt cell. We have not vaccumed to waste because losing so much water and having to add so much more, we would throw off our chemicals. Isn't it sufficient to vaccum and then back wash as to clean the filter afterwards? We have even taken the filter apart twice in the last month to clean the grids and check them jus to be sure it wasn't our filter. PLEASE HELP!