
I have hand-foot-mouth virus and my throat is killing me!?

by  |  earlier

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does any1 know anything that could hlp? thanx




  1. Drink a lot of water, avoid anything salty,spicy or has a lot of citrus. If you have any sores in your mouth swish like mylanta or another med in your mouth after eating that coats the sores and they don't sting as much.Take ibuprofen, and eat foods that are softer like mashed potatoes or anything that wont hurt much to swallow. make sure you not dehydrated. you should urinate once every 8 hrs, and your mouth should be moist. If you have any signs of dehydration see a doctor.

  2. takes your hand/foot out of your mouth and it will hurt less, if that dont work, drink a ton of water

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