
I have handed in my notice at work, i have a 14 year old son. am i entitled to any benefits

by Guest64643  |  earlier

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I have handed in my notice at work, i have a 14 year old son. am i entitled to any benefits




  1. depends on the job, but no not really--if you quit that means you quit and give up the benefits you had with the employer.  They are not expected to give you benefits if you aren't working for them.

  2. child benefit and u may not be able to get job seekers as u quit u need to say u where sacked or u wont get any benefits r u in uk or usa ?

  3. You can try to get COBRA, but otherwise no, you quit.

  4. Are you "entitled" to benefits?  You are quitting your job.  This means that if you don't have health insurance via a different source, you have the option of picking it up for 18 months via COBRA.  This usually is quite expensive though.  Because you are quitting your job, you will not qualify for unemployment.

    If you are going to a new job, you'll have that as an income.  If you are single, and have no plans to work, I suppose you will end up having to go on welfare unless you are independently wealthy.

  5. You can go on COBRA - this means you can keep your insurance, but you have to pay the company for the cost.

  6. If you make yourself unemployed you are entitled to nothing, get amother job

  7. Usually, people with dependents don't just quit their jobs without having a back-up plan for income, or another job to fall into. You won't be eligeble for unemployment, but may be qualified for food stamps, welfare, medicare, etc.

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