
I have hard time trying to yawn i get the urge but they never come out sumone help please?

by  |  earlier

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I have the hardest time trying to yawn i get the urge but they never come out and when they do it never is completed, this has been going on sometime now and now i am starting to feel severe chest pain can anyone help are know if this is a medical issue?




  1. try listening to some boring music

  2. I don't know if this is what you're talking about, but here's a link:

    I've found a lot of forums that have this question, and I've experienced the symptom myself. It seems like it's a common thing, though it's weird...

    Some people suggested bronchitis, and others heart problems, but they don't seem to fit.  

  3. Are you having trouble opening your jaw otherwise? If you are having trouble opening your jaw and having chest pain you should see a physician.

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