
I have hazel eyes and i'm not sure if I should get colored contacts?

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Would they show up above my dark eyes? I really would like green, or something totally out there, like silver or purple




  1. If you're just getting them for fun, then i think you shouldn't...hazel eyes are gorgeous ! But if you seriously need them...then clear :)

  2. I have hazel eyes. I have both green contacts and blue contacts. I'm not sure why you would want to look like a freak of nature by wearing silver contacts. Why do you want to attract attention to yourself?

  3. I think you should get clear contacts.

  4. go to your doctor and try some colors you like, then look in the mirror  to see which best match your personality.

    good luck.

  5. I would love to have hazel eyes. I think you should keep it natural unless its an occasion like Halloween or something. I once had colored contacts and I honestly recieved more compliments when I went natural.

  6. I have hazel eyes too, and if I needed contacts I probably would get clear. I like being natural, and I love my natural eye color anyway.

    I say go natural. Go clear.

  7. i think hazel eyes are beautiful

  8. I just told my niece something about this yesterday.

    If you take a room designed by a professional interior designer, that looks great, and then decide you want to change a wall color. UNLESS you're a master interior designer, it will take numerous attempts to get a color that works with all the other colors as well as the pro's choice.

    EVERYTIME you see someone with dyed hair, fake tan, or colored contacts, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Everyone knows it's fake.

    The best YOU that you can make is to 1) get in the best shape you can and 2) eat the best foods you can. If you get the right amounts of all the right things into you- your skin will be radient, your eyes bright and perky and your hair will shine.

    I still think it's safe to say that noone knows how to arrange colors like God ;)

  9. I think hazel eyes are very pretty and I don't understand why people want to change their eye color.  My oldest was born with dark brown eyes, while the other two had blue.  Some years ago, she wanted to change to blue and got blue contacts. After quite a few people commented on how pretty her brown eyes were before, she reverted back to her natural color.  She later told me that since I have brown eyes, she wanted to be able to say that she looks like her Daddy.  Be grateful for what God has given you.

  10. My brother has colored contacts and they are fine.

  11. my advice may not suit you--for personal experience-- visit optometrist

  12. a green/blue color would look really good!

  13. I also have hazel eyes and wear contacts.  I wear the clear as well as the colored.  My favorites are my blue contacts, they really make me look different!

    They also have a line called "crazy lenses" and come in all types of cool looking lenses like cat eyes, eight ball eyes, alien eyes, ect...great for Halloween!

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