
I have headaches - atleast one a day...could there be something wrong?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my friend both get headaches all the time. It really hurts and feels like someone is pressing on your temples really hard. My friend says it hurts her above her eyes. and can get really painful and then go really dull... I usually can't get rid of mine until i go to sleep. Could there be something wrong?




  1. i don't know but it happens to me too

  2. sinus headaches are a pain in the ***. go to the store and buy a sinus pill that contains pseudoephedrine take the recommended dose and kiss the headaches goodbye. being pseudoephedrine is used to make meth it is only kept behind the counter or in the pharmacy. all other over the counter meds don't work for me. the pseudoephedrine really works well and I have the headaches daily and have had them for about 15 years but its just the c**p in the air we breathe that irritates the sinuses.  

  3. Hi

    I had headaches every day for about two months, and so I went to my GP (General Practicioner, if out of Australia), and he ordered a CT scan...

    Well, they found a meningioma, (a benign tumor, something not of any consequence we have since found out), but at the time I thought it was a huge deal, like I was going to die etc. because I had to see a specialist to really know what it was.

    By that stage I had a constant headache day and night, through the stress of it all, but in the end found out that it was only  because of the ocipital nerve that runs up the back of the neck into the brain stem, becoming trapped because of poor posture, bad muscle spasms from the computer work I did.

    I went to an ostepath and had regular treatments for a few months, and learned to notice the signs of when I was doing bad posture, and now I very rarely get a headache...Unless I am on the computer answering questions a lot! Ha Ha

    I tell  you all this because if you go to a doctor and they order a scan you may find something, but it may be something totally different and everyone is different....

    Don't panic and see a doctor...

    All the best,


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