
I have heard Russia stock has picking up? Any idea!?

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Dear Friend,

Please advise, where to open an account if l need to purchase Russia stock?





  1. Which Russian stock?  You need to clarify

  2. My single best idea in Russia is MTL, a steelmaker.  I own it and will add if it moves back to 50.   Other ideas are WBD, a dairy company, and VIP, a telecom outfit.  Avoid going too far the food chain in Russia.  Or buy RSX a Russian ETF.  Dont over invest in the BRIC countries.  Brazil, Russia, India, and China.   I dont care for India because they have  a French like bueauracy.

  3. Russian commodities play an important  part of the current boom. Russian manufacturing, distribution & infrastucture sectors are enjoying a renaissance! The economy is in a bull expansion mode. The awnser is Yes....

  4. I have heard too that the Russian economy is doing well and not affected by our downturn. It is not like they were buying our mortgages.

    And after all they are a major oil and gas exporters and for them it is the good times.

  5. ing russia is a historically high performance fund, it outperforms most market tolerances(threshholds) it's often been over 100% a year return, it has solid market controls, as a cashcritter it is a powerful world fund. I would look for the Chinese/Japanese version of and information portals, for major boogie, performace spec in median auction alla the oriental market, China will likely be the home of considerable influence in world market stability(due to recent erratic commodity behavior, Russia's major feature now is fiscal levage in it's own markets(due to it's cental banking system,) forex tends to favor central banks in market chaning phases. (due to volume weighting),Our Western eqillibriums should become stronger if they strengthen behavior in certain industries such as auto producers, GM, Ford, and information systems related to market behavior, market up_ cues should reflect agregate marker timing, as allocator function schedule improvement. relay cycles should be of "needspots" formula allocation. with dependency notage.

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