
I have heard that Australia has millions of tons of coal and was wondering?

by  |  earlier

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if they are going to use it to generate electricity with, since the high costs for fossil fuels is becoming unbearable, and if you do intend to use this, has anyone figured out a way to reduce the high pollutions that burning coal creates and escapes into the atmosphere, contributing to the world's global warming factors?

What is the latest news on any new coal-burning technologies down there in the Land Down Under?

I say the Land Down Under cause I am in Houston, Texas




  1. yes, they tremendous reserves... mostly on the east coast. there are lots of clean-burning coal technologies out there but the bottom line if that you are still separating carbon from a molecule far larger than that of oil or gasoline, leaving more c**p to go into the air.

    i hear there is a pilot project (out of texas) is turning the emissions from plants such as coal fired gens into energy using bacteria. sounds like its a ways off still though.

  2. Coal-powered generation is MUCH more efficient now than it used to be and there is technology on the horizon that could make coal pretty darn 'green'.

    The address below is interesting.

  3. idiots

  4. There is some interest in CO2 capture and sequestation.  The government is putting quite a bit of funding into research.

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