
I have heard that Obama quoted the marxist manifesto in his DNC speech. What are those quotes?

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This is NOT an anti Obama post. I just want the untainted facts and doubt I can get them from my current sources.




  1. No, he didn't.  If you have some info to the contrary then reference it in a link in your details.  Othewise, it sounds like you heard some of the usual c**p from the right-wing punditry.

  2.   He didn't so whoever told you that is just trying to yank your chain or they are so far right that they are wacko and brainwashed.

  3. If he did, that just proves he's a commie.

  4. you heard wrong.  you either heard that on Republican hate radio , or you need to get some smarter friends that aren't repeating nonsense.

    for jokers like "enormous"  - brother's keeper is in many places in the Bible.  It might not use those specific words, but the meaning is none the less the same.  Pick up a copy sometime and read it.  You might like it.

  5. well... I don't know for sure... but the Communist manifesto has a lot of "we can do it if we all work together" kind of stuff in it...

    I mean... all politicians say that... JFK... Reagan...Heck, Hillary's book was "it takes a village to raise a child"... which I agree with... but it is a somewhat marxist attitude technically...

  6. He used the words "it, or, the, this, is, an, when, and he" If that ain't "commie talk" I don't know what is.

    It sucks to be a Republican...huh?


    Very good op-ed in the New York Times will help. Students of economics are always required to read Karl Marx. He is one of the most important men of the 21st century.  

  8. I'm very familiar with the communist manifesto

    and have seen Obama's speech.

    As a proud Marxist I can guarantee you there were absolutely no quotes taken from Marx work.

    The people making those claims are either very uninformed or  attempting to falsely portray Senator Obama as a Marxist

    Hope that helps

  9. Obama said, " I am my brother's keeper ".

    His brother lives in a shack and goes by the nickname "Marx" who cooks an Italian dish called "man! what a pesto".

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