
I have heard that once an armadillo has been trapped it never falls for it again. Is it true?

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We have tried moth balls and they don't work. Not to mention I live in an area covered in pine trees and pine needles. That does not seem to bother the ones here in Bastrop, Texas.




  1. They are pretty smart and I wouldn't be surprised if that was true.

  2. it wouldn't suprise me if that was true.

    I'd leave em alone unless they were doing something bad.

    Try buying a deer repellant made out of wolf urine. Seeing as armadillos have an incredible sense of smell, they should avoid areas with it .

  3. Armadillos are no smarter than they have to be. In other words, not very. I managed to litter-box train one but that was the extent of its training. I'd be surprised to find that they couldn't be trapped over and over. I've heard that they make fairly good chili, which is one way to get rid of your problem.

  4. no its not true, where ever you were hearing that from is lying, that is not true at all.  you shouldn't bother the armadillos. i don't see why pine trees would bother armadillos to begin with. don't try to catch them, even if they are annoying to you somehow, leave them alone, they are just wild animals.  

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