
I have heard that parsley tea can be used to induce menstruation. Does parsley supplements work as well?

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I have heard that parsley tea can be used to induce menstruation. Does parsley supplements work as well?




  1. First of all, don't use it if there is any chance you are pregnant. Tea is probably the most effective way to take parsley. Helps to add honey & lemon to make more palatable. In my favorite herbal, he lists tea, liquid extract, tincture then fresh juice but never suggests the capsule. If you buy a liquid extract, you can take one dropperful in place of a cup of tea. Just mix it into a bit of strong juice like grape or pineapple.

    Other emmanagogues are Vitex (works well in a powdered extract in capsules), Blue Cohosh or Fenugreek seed (tastes yummy).

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