
I have heard that skin-so-soft oils and lotions from Avon are safe to use as a fly repelent on horses??

by Guest65676  |  earlier

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i am thinking about trying this, because equine fly spray dosent work very well. i have heard that it works and it dosent bother there skin. plz tell me if i should and PLZ DONT ANSWER IF YOU DONT KNOW.... thanks :)




  1. Be carefull with home remadies!  To much skin so soft can actually clog the pours. That spells trouble!  Seen it happen 3 years ago.  The horse fainted on a hot day during a trail ride.  The horse was got back on its feet, and sent to a 24 hour vet 75 miles away.  The vet said it's pours were blocked. Hence, the horse couldnt sweat.  And yes, the owner still swears on skin so soft!  Try Endure, Pyranna, or Happy Horse.  There safe, and work. But must be applied daily during fly season.  There is no shortcuts to horse care!  You get what you pay for!

  2. Hi, I've used it in conjunction with good horse fly repellents and mainly applied it to mane and tail and its never irritated my guys skin at all.  It doesn't seem to have an affect on all flies but definitely helps with the midges and sweet itch.

    I've heard plenty of people use it successfully, however to be sure it wont cause big issues I'd maybe do a patch test just before you cover them head to toe :)

  3. Well, you are suppose to mix the skin-so-soft oil with some vinegar to use that as fly spray. We did it one year when the flies were very bad because our old horse (he was 37 :)) was bothered by the flies. It didn't harm him at all, it seemed to really do the trick.

    I'm not sure about the lotion, nor am I sure that without the vinegar they work at all as fly spray.

    From what I've tried, though, the skin-so-soft oil shouldn't hurt. I haven't had a problem with it, nor have I ever heard a problem with it. It seems to be very sensitive on the skin.

    The fly spray we use now is an oil based fly spray called Horse and Pony spray. You should try it, it does wonders on the flies. Just make sure it's the oil based and not the water based. We find the oil based seems to stick better, just make sure to not make them too oily and dirty :).

  4. I have & do use it. There are fly sprays that work better. But that will work, & they smell good. I use it more when I am riding, then spray on both of us with no worries!!

    Here is the one I have founfd that worked great for me.

    1 cup water

    1 cup Avon Skin So Soft Bath Oil

    2 cups vinegar

    1 tbs. Eucalyptus oil (found in health food stores)

    few tablespoons of citronella oil.

    & food for thought

    Oils that Repel Insects:

    Try mixing some of these in with your fly mixes.  Peppermint oil, Cintranella, Lemon Grass, Pennyroyal(fleas), Tea Tree Oil(ticks, leeches, and lice), Lavender.

    Here is a easy way to make homemade fly traps. Then you put them to the back of your yard & the flies will get caught in it. & It really helps! & Chickens!! They help in the p**p.

    Fly Trap


    3 cups Water

    1/4 cup Sugar

    1/2 cup Vinegar


    Mix ingredients.  Place in a jar or can with holes in the lid.  Place were needed.

    Hope this helps you out!!!!

  5. i don't know but be careful it doesn't make the horses hair fall out. Oily  things like baby oil make alot of horses hair fall out where ever you put it. I would test a spot for a few days before you do the whole horse.


    I use this on my dogs and horses and the best stuff I have used to keep biting flies away...It is water base so if it rains you have to apply it. Zonk It

  7. That is true!!!!

    This article includes it along with 100 other ways to use SSS. It does repel flies and mosquitos and is very safe. There are about 5 other uses for horses as well on the is the link

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